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De-clutter ahead for the Holidays

Fall is the busiest time of year for Beyond Clutter. This year, I am not only in my prime workshop season, I’ve been converting all my written books to Kindle books and I recently just finished revising my newest Kindle Book “De-Clutter, De-Stress the Holiday Season”....

Organize Your Clothes

Here’s a quick way to put the clothes in your clothes closet in order. 1. Organize your clothing items into these four broad categories: Top Half of the Body; Bottom Half of the Body; Whole Body; and Special Occasion Items. 2. Have a lot of clothing? Organize...

Behind Clothes Doors

Is your clothes closet a mess?  Want a helping hand to guide you through the process of de-cluttering and organizing your clothes closet? My book, Behind Clothes Doors can be your companion. It’s a workbook which will help you: Assess which items of clothing you...

De-Clutter Your Clothes Closet

How do you start the de-clutter process? Take these five steps, each as a separate complete project in itself. Don’t rush. You’ll toss some items, donate some items and/or move items to other planes in your house so your clothes closet has only the items...

De-Clutter Your Clothes Closet

Is de-cluttering your clothes closet worth the effort? YES! Here are a few benefits to having a de-cluttered clothes closet: You’ll save time everyday by not looking through useless clothes for outfits you want to wear. You’ll save money by avoiding costly...

Organizing Your clothes closet

It’s that time of year in the great northeast when we change the contents of our clothes closets from summer to fall/winter. The great weather we’re having means reorganizing over time. I’ve put away the obvious items I wont be wearing the rest of...