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Is de-cluttering your clothes closet worth the effort? YES! Here are a few benefits to having a de-cluttered clothes closet:
You’ll save time everyday by not looking through useless clothes for outfits you want to wear.
You’ll save money by avoiding costly repairs and unnecessary spending.
You’ll feel and be more in control of your time, money and energy.
You’ll look and feel fabulous.
You know you look good, so you’ll life your spirits and feel as if you can conquer the world.
The effort is worth it. In de-cluttering, you toss some items, donate some items and/or move some to other places in your house to make room in your clothes closet for the items you use regularly.
Need more help? Come to my October 20 Behind Clothes Doors workshop in Albany, NY or purchase my printed book or eBook at Watch for my Behind Clothes Doors webinar coming soon! Sign up for my email newsletter for more details.