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Downsizing for Seniors

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Helen offers her Downsizing for Seniors talk at retirement communities and other facilities and organizations that serve seniors.

Downsizing for Seniors is a motivating, informative and entertaining talk that addresses the mental, emotional and physical aspects of downsizing, thereby enabling attendees to start the downsizing process, begin to prepare their home for sale, and learn to let go so they can move ahead to an active, uncluttered lifestyle. This talk presents: key downsizing points, where to start options, how to deal with items which represent memories, lists to begin making, how to determine how much to downsize and why it’s important to start downsizing now – even if you’re undecided where you’ll live.

Because Helen has downsized and moved, and is a baby-boomer herself, she easily identifies with her audience. She’s able, with understanding, compassion and humor, to encourage attendees to let go and reclaim their lives. The most common response to Downsizing for Seniors is: “Thank you! I’m now looking forward to moving on with my life.” By publicizing Helen’s Downsizing for Seniors talk, retirement communities increase public awareness of their community and bring potential residents and their families into their community. Retirement communities have successfully offered this talk together with an “open house” where they follow Helen’s presentation with a tour of the community for the senior and family members who accompany them.

DownsizingforSeniors200Retirement communities may want to schedule Helen’s presentation as a program for prospective residents who are on waiting lists and purchase Helen’s book, Downsizing for Seniors in quantities for those attendees to be sure they are ready to move when the residence is ready. Another option is to purchase the book as a value-added item when prospective residents sign their contract with the facility.

Contact Helen TODAY to arrange for her to offer her Downsizing for Seniors talk to your senior audience.




Click to read testimonials

Thank you for everything that you have done for me and my sister. I could not have done anything without you. I’m glad we will be working with each other some more. Betty S., Albany, NY


I was overwhelmed with cleaning out my condo so I could move to a retirement community. I attended Helen’s Elderhostel program years ago. When I called her, Helen came to Florida and helped me get organized at the beginning and made the process flow much smoother than it would have. I even held my own garage sale with her encouragement and advice. We kept in touch by e-mail. Near the end of my move, Helen returned, kept me on track, helped me pack and take care of the “left-over” items. I was overwhelmed until Helen came to my rescue. Thank you, Helen. Bea W., Dunedin, Fl.

I went through “De-Clutter, De-Stress Your Life” on the train when we returned to DC and it, along with your Elderhostel Course is proving to be a great help in getting us started to downsizing our 45-year accumulation of things! As I go through the various household items, I can hear your instructions, “Magazine in – magazine out,” “Three piles: keep, throw away, give away,” etc. I have wanted to declutter and organize for a long time, so your course is really an answer to a prayer. Marjorie, Accokeek, MD

With compassion, humor, enthusiasm and expertise Helen guided me through the process of downsizing and gave me the skills to maintain a clutter-free environment. She turned an overwhelming situation into a life-changing journey, traveling with me in manageable increments. She is an invaluable resource! A. Casler