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De-clutter ahead for the Holidays

Fall is the busiest time of year for Beyond Clutter. This year, I am not only in my prime workshop season, I’ve been converting all my written books to Kindle books and I recently just finished revising my newest Kindle Book “De-Clutter, De-Stress the Holiday Season”....

Organize Your Clothes

Here’s a quick way to put the clothes in your clothes closet in order. 1. Organize your clothing items into these four broad categories: Top Half of the Body; Bottom Half of the Body; Whole Body; and Special Occasion Items. 2. Have a lot of clothing? Organize...

Behind Clothes Doors

Is your clothes closet a mess?  Want a helping hand to guide you through the process of de-cluttering and organizing your clothes closet? My book, Behind Clothes Doors can be your companion. It’s a workbook which will help you: Assess which items of clothing you...

De-Clutter Your Clothes Closet

How do you start the de-clutter process? Take these five steps, each as a separate complete project in itself. Don’t rush. You’ll toss some items, donate some items and/or move items to other planes in your house so your clothes closet has only the items...

De-Clutter Your Clothes Closet

Is de-cluttering your clothes closet worth the effort? YES! Here are a few benefits to having a de-cluttered clothes closet: You’ll save time everyday by not looking through useless clothes for outfits you want to wear. You’ll save money by avoiding costly...