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Today I was thinking about all of the new things that have been happening here at Beyond Clutter. I started with re-creating my website, making it less complicated and “cluttered”, if you will. I’ve also been working on my new books for Kindle so that my customers, fans and clients with Kindles or tablets can access my books on Kindle. The books are more simplified than my normal books because there are no worksheets, but they’re great for people who like to read on the go and don’t have time to do so otherwise. Additionally, I am offering a program at Eastwyck Village in East Greenbush, NY on Downsizing for Seniors on August 28th. Life is about simplification and organization. My business is part of my life, and by making changes to become even more organized, I am essentially making my life more organized. There is no better feeling of peace and relief after de-cluttering possessions, or even our lives!